Wiggling Willie was known to wiggle or jiggle just about every part of his body — constantly. There was seldom a second that something on his five-year old body was not twitching or twirling; except perhaps when he was sleeping.
On one particular day, he was dressed for his part in his sister’s wedding. He was dressed in a white tuxedo: white shirt, white trousers, white socks, white tie, white shoes; everything was white.
As he awaited his part with the wedding ceremony, he smelled something that would peak any young man’s curiosity; the unusual smell of wet paint. As he followed his nose, it led him far from adult supervision to a place that peaked his curiosity even more; the newly painted downstairs of the church. All the newly painted walls had signs warning that the paint was wet, but for the non-reading investigator, they may just as well have said, “Please Touch Me.” That is exactly what Willie did.
His finger touched and rubbed the slow drying beige paint. The most alluring temptation, however, was the small, also freshly painted, clothes closet. In he stepped to examine what the inside of the closet was like, and yes, he closed the door. The twisting, squirming, exploring body, brushed up against the back wall, the side walls, and finally the inside of the door as he grappled for the doorknob. As he managed to exit from his dark, newly painted adventure, he was not the same clean boy that first entered the closet.
As can be imagined, the color of his clothing was altered — greatly. The wet paint had rubbed off and was imbedded in his hair, hands, clothing, and shoes; nothing was not affected.
All are affected in much the same manner when exposed to sin. Be it in through the eye-gates, hearing, taste, or touch, once sin is experienced it is imbedded into one’s mind. Once sin has stained one’s memory, it will be remembered and battled for the rest of one’s life. That is why God’s advice is never to be exposed to sin in the first place; be separated far from it. No matter who you are, no one can avoid the consequences of exposure to sin. Sin will rub-off on you. Stay away from it or have a life-time of regrets!
“Why would a child of God, who is on the winning side, find it necessary to walk, talk, think, dress, or act like the losing side that is headed for Hell?”
The only way to avoid sin is live in a plastic bubble .
I grew up listening to country music, and to be honest, at times I still listen to it (older country). I totally agree it is secular and some of it doesn’t carry a positive message!
I don’t listen to it all the time, but some of it actually takes me back to good times of my childhood! I’m sorry David it takes you back to bad times in your childhood.
Really anything can be deemed “not fit” for God’s children – each person i guess has to practice their own convictions.
I really enjoy your comments David! I can tell you love the Lord and want to sincerely follow Him!
How true. If I had only abstained from some of the sin that I was part of!
One thing I would caution parents about is the music you listen to and allow in your home. If you do not understand the relationship between Lucifer and music…do yourself a favor and study that one out. I grew up in an alcoholic home with Willie Nelson, Waylon Jennings and the like playing at all hours of the night. As much as I hated it as a child, I grew to like it as a young adult…that and more. My parents had no idea what they were letting me in for. It glorifies every type of sin you can imagine. Now at my age, I can’t for the life of me remember a choir song, but give me 3 notes of any willie nelson song and I can sing you the whole thing. Wish I could take that trash out of my mind.
I will say that after years….it doesn’t just come to my mind, I have to be reminded, BUT, it is still very much there. Watch what you allow to rub off on yourself and your kids/grandkids. Worldly music is NOT fit for God’s Children.
All it took was one sin in the garden of Eden to forever change mankind and creation!