God has always provided for us, and we are so grateful. One day several years ago, we got to see, again, His wonderful provision.
Our well at the trailer had stopped working. After calling in a repairman for an estimate, we found that it would cost $139 to get our water supply pumping again.
Any repairs were a serious financial concern at that time. The ministry we were serving at the time was able to provide our food and some finances, but any additional needs had to be met by God. This was one of those times, that God would just have to provide in a miraculous way.
Well, life had to go on while we waited for His provision. I asked my daughter to go to the mailbox and bring the daily mail. In the mail that she returned with was a letter from a man that I had served with in a deaf ministry in a previous church. We were not that close, and it was very curious that he would be writing to me.
I opened the letter from Don Crain. It read:
“Brother Bill,
… I am so sorry it took so long for me to send this letter. God laid you on my heart several weeks ago, and urged me to send you this check. I just never seemed to get around to it. I hope that it is not late in providing your needs.”
The included check was for $140! God knew about our needs before we did and provided it when we needed it. God even provided more than we needed. The well was fixed and, once again, God provided! He is so good!
Yet God also helps the unsaved .
There has been so many times that the Lord has made provisions for me. Thank you for this opportunity to praise Him! The summer of 2016 was so hot and dry that my garden burnt up. I can and freeze our food for winter. But all I was getting off of it was pick to eat aND a few seeds for this year’s garden. I prayed unto the Lord about it because I didn’t know what to do. When all seemed to be as bad as it could get the Lord lead people to bring me the surplus out of their gardens. God knew that I couldnt buy groceries because my husband had sepsis in his body from a bad tooth. His sugar was out of control and the dr pulled him out of his truck(he’s a truck driver) so he had to take a cut in pay be the yard man then some things happened with my daughter and her and her boys had to move in with us. She was pregnant and had complications so her Dr pulled her out of work. God always came through for us. She got everything at her shower for the baby. Someone helped us with clothes for her 2 sons. My husband was given the ok to drive again. I could go on and on about the goodness and the provisions and the love that our Father has shown me.
I see God’s provision in much the same way. I once had called on a local industry for something like 6 years and had never talked to any more than the receptionist. On one occasion I heard they were doing a plant expansion and I wanted to try again, so I called the owner of the building whose number I got off a sign on the property. He, in turn, gave me the plant managers name and cell number.
I was hesitant to call because we typically don’t deal with the plant manager and I felt like it was an invasion of privacy of sorts to call his cell phone. However, I had been praying for work at this facility for years, as had several of the men I work with and our pastor and I am not going to let my discomfort stand in the way of feeding our families in a case like this. So I called.
From the moment I introduced myself I felt the favor of God with this man. Not only was he glad to hear from me, but he acted like we had been working in the facility for years. From that point, I knew we were doing his plant expansion…and we have done the work in that plant ever since, including some of our other companies that engage in other trades.
That is not the only time I have felt God’s favor that way. Sales work cannot produce that. Reputation and craftsmanship and ability will not produce that….and it happens with some regularity… some would say “just in time”.
Thanks again Bro Brinkworth for making me think about the provision of God.
I often think it takes more faith to run one’s own business than having a full time job where others pay you. When you have your own business, you have no guarantee of getting any money tomorrow. One has to daily pray and seek God’s help and guidance. There were many days, when I had my own computer consulting business, that I had no work for that day. I literally prayed laying on my face and would not stop until I had work. Several times my prayers were disturbed by a call with immediate work! God is always so good, even though we deserve nothing!
I believe you are right. I have no idea what our 20 or more people will be doing even a few weeks from now, but we do our part and our due diligence and put the rest in his hands. I do not worry about it. It would drive me crazy if I did. Truly, I cannot do anything about it past the meager efforts I mentioned. I have seen his provision time and time again and seen him bless our people in amazing ways.
I have learned to recognize that feeling of favor. It is amazing. It is not always there, but I know we are going to write work in a place when I do feel it.