Current Whereabouts Unknown

I remember clearly how we would laugh about going to Hell.Hell fire

“Yeah, we’ll be together in Hell.  We’ll have a good time partying,” I laughed.

“Sure,” my friend scoffed as he guzzled down another beer.  “Yea, just one big party — forever and forever!”

Years went by.  After heartaches, learning the hard way, and much of God’s grace and mercy, I got saved.  Christ became my Saviour, and I tried to live for Him.

My friends could tell something was different about me.  I no longer wanted to party with them.  They were uncomfortable around me as I shared with them what I had learned from the Bible.   Soon we grew completely apart and seldom spent time together.

As I grew in the Lord and studied the Bible, I learned more about the reality of Hell.  All the things I had heard about the place of torment were true.  What a horrible place it is!  It should not be taken lightly!  Then, I remembered the friend with whom I had scoffed at Hell.  I was burdened to see and warn him of the place, so he would not have to go there.

I visited his home.  He was still living with his parents, even though he was 35 years old.  We went up to his bedroom to talk.  Sin had taken a toll on his life.  The drugs and booze were a constant companion in his life — over 15 years of non-stop abuse.  He was not the same friend with whom I had grown up.

He was searching.  I could tell.  He had tried Buddhism for a while and even memorized a long chant from one of their books.  Still, that religion did not fill the empty spot he had in his life.

Later, he was involved with the Jehovah’s Witnesses, hoping they had the answers he sought.  I remember him telling me they were nice to him.  He was impressed that they had spent time with him, and he started attending their meetings.

I told him what the Bible says one must do and believe to have God’s promise of eternity in Heaven.  He admitted to me, “I thought the Witnesses had something, but as I got closer, I found that nobody had any real peace.  Bill, I still haven’t found any yet, and I don’t have the promise of eternity you have.”  His voice was sorrowful.  He had searched but found nothing to fill the emptiness his soul had.

“You know how I was and how the Lord has changed me.  He’s given me peace, help, and a lot of promises.  He’ll give them to you too, if you’ll accept Him as Saviour,”  I pleaded.  However, the other cult’s teachings he had been involved with brought doubt and confusion to his thoughts.

I explained and explained.  I did everything but beg, but my friend was even more confused.  Man-made religion had done much damage to his thinking.  When I left, he was still unsaved.  I urged him to at least visit the church where I had attended.  I’m not sure he ever did.

From time to time, I heard tidbits about my friend.  He had gotten involved in some indecent sin, probably the fruit of all the pornography that polluted his mind.  Once, the law required him to go to a psychiatrist, and my friend was put on drugs to keep him from feeling miserable.  His mental problems were probably from years of taking drugs.  (I remember his bragging about how “pot will never hurt me.”)  It certainly sounded like he was getting lonelier.  His behavior became more bizarre.  He hardly had any friends and never married.  What a lonely, empty life he lived.

I thought about him a lot.  Sometimes I prayed for him to get saved.

It had been years since we had seen each other when I got a telephone call from my mother.  Her voice was sad as she read me a story from her newspaper: “Last Wednesday, the body of a 40-year-old man was found at the foot of a 100-foot cliff at… Park.  He was rushed to the… Hospital.  The man’s name….”

I interrupted my mother’s voice, “It’s G., isn’t it?”  I knew it was him before she had even finished.  His sad, hard life had come to an end after an accident.

The hardest thing to grasp was where my friend went: Heaven or Hell?  Unless he had gotten saved, and I hope he did, he is in Hell.

Hell is a real place.  There is no party there!  There’s no way out.

Are you sure that you would go to Heaven if you were to die right now?  You can know for sure!  It may be too late for my friend, but perhaps you can learn from his mistake.
“That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that  God  hath  raised him  from the dead, thou shalt be saved.” Romans 10:9

If you do not know for sure that you would spend eternity in Heaven, ask a preacher, or a saved friend.  If you do not know of one that can tell you what the Bible says, please e-mail me at  I would be honored to share the biblical way to Heaven with you.  You need to know where your future whereabouts will be! 

“Don’t let scoffers laugh you into Hell.  They cannot laugh you out of it.” — D. L. Moody

4 thoughts on “Current Whereabouts Unknown

  1. What a remarkable, but all too commonplace story. I could tell a version of it probably a hundred times over if I thought about it, and so could anyone. It shows in sharp contrast what being “saved” means. When I was a kid, I thought it just meant you were saved from hell, it also means you are saved from hell on earth.

    When I was reading your first couple of paragraphs, I couldn’t help but think of the true foolishness of a song that was popular when I was a teenager. The title was “Highway to Hell”. One of the lyrics said…”I’m on a highway to hell. Don’t stop me!” As I look back, I can’t help but think that those folks were either demonically possessed or had a complete misunderstanding about the nature of hell. …. Probably both.

    Thankfully, I AM NOT on the highway to hell, but enjoying my life here on earth quite a lot serving my saviour. I am looking forward to a much different eternity, One where the Son is the source of light!

  2. Sad story. I tried to talk to my grandfather about the Lord just a few weeks before his death in 2009, but he blew me off. He didn’t even want me to pray for him! I don’t think he ever trusted Christ as his Savior.

    My grandmother is still alive (she’s 88), and she’s lost too and doesn’t care about the things of God either……

      1. David,

        With my grandfather, he showed zero conviction! In fact, he wondered why God would allow him to get sick, yet my grandfather NEVER went to church! Hum…

        Yet, I’ve seen others cry out to God on their death beds when I talked to them about heaven and Hell!

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