Thank you, Lord. I am grateful for your mercy, love, and all the “second, third… hundredth…” chances you have given me.

- I was saved. So many had the opportunity, did not trust Christ as their Saviour, and sooner than they expected, they died. As far as anyone knows, they are in Hell! It could be me that died lost!
- I did many terrible things, and many horrible events happened to me, but I did not die. It could have been me that perished because of my foolishness! God protected me so that I could get saved and serve Him. So many did fewer dumb things than I did and suffered greatly because of their decision.
- I am glad after I got saved that I took my salvation seriously. I studied the Bible, attended church, did my best to obey what God showed me to do, and served Him with all my heart. So many also got saved, did nothing for the Lord, died, and now they must surely be regretting their mistakes.
- I am overwhelmed that God gave me opportunities and used me to do His will. There are many more intelligent, talented people that could have done so much for Him but did not. They wasted much of their life when they could have done great things for the Lord and society. It could have been me that was useless to the cause of Christ.
- I am so appreciative that I learned proper biblical doctrines. God allowed me to have excellent Bible preachers, teachers, and friends. So many, brighter than I, believed unbiblical teachings, followed the wrong doctrines and did not please the Lord. Because of their ignorance of His truths, they were, often unknowingly, disobedient to His Word. It could have been me that followed the wrong Spirit and false teachings.
My realizations are not meant as boastings. I recall that God even used a donkey to do His bidding by talking to a man of God (Number 22:28). So, if He can use a donkey, He can certainly use me. We both were willing.
“He that turneth from the road to rescue another, turneth toward his goal; he shall arrive by the footpath of mercy; God will be his guide.” — Henry VanDyke