“But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.” Mat. 24:36
Since the time of Jesus’ disciples (Mat. 24:3), many have wondered, “When is the end of the world coming?” Many have given a date for the end or even a date for some biblically predicted end-time event such as: the rapture, last judgment, Armageddon, and even the end of humanity. All foretold dates have been wrong!
One internet site, Wikipedia.com, records at least 158 predicted days for end time events that never occurred. Many of the prediction dates came from fairly well-known people such as: Martin Luther (“no later than 1600”), Christopher Columbus (1658), John Wesley (1836), Jeanne Dixon (2/4/62), Jim Jones (1967), Charles Manson (1969), Nostradamus (7/1999). Some “religious” have also given their predictions including: Catholic popes (1/1/1000, 1284, 1901), Herbert W. Armstrong (1936, 1943), Hal Lindsey (1980s), Jehovah’s Witnesses (1908, 1914, 1916, 1941, 1971, 1975, 1984), Seventh-day Adventists (1999), and Sun Myung Moon (2000). Since 1977, someone has put a date for an end-time event for almost every year until now.
There are also many predicted dates for the future. One talked about date was from the Mayan Long Count calendar and was foretold to be December 20-23, 2012. Jean Dixon (a psychic) also claimed something will happen between 2020 and 2037. Nostradamus again predicted another date of 3797.
At the time the projected dates were given, I imagine some were concerned. Many may have been alarmed and tried to prepare for what they thought would be a cataclysmic event by stockpiling and hoarding supplies, as some are doing today.
Although it is obvious that all the past predicted dates were wrong, some are overlooking the only source that has never been wrong about predicting events. This source has foretold many historical past events, and every prophecy has come true. Some of the foretold events were warned about 1,000 years before the event occurred, but they were still valid prophecies. This source told about the coming of God’s Son, and what He would do on Earth and for mankind. All those prophecies about Jesus came true. This source also gives many prophecies about future events. This accurate source is God’s Word, the Bible. If it was correct about past prophecies, we can also count on its accuracy about future events.
However, the King James Bible, as accurate as it has been in the past, does not give dates for end-times events. God has clearly indicated to man, in His Word, that it is not for man to know when God will begin the last day events. He even states that the angels do not know the day and hour, nor does His only Son, Jesus (Mat. 24:36).
If the heavenly host and Jesus do not know when such events will occur, we can be assured that a common, sinful man will not know either. Certainly, those that believe contrary to what the Bible commands one to believe are not going to be told the details of God’s plan including the psychics, unbiblical religions, astrologists, and even preachers. Why anyone would think that a Holy God would whisper end dates to human-sacrificing, false god worshipping Mayans is even more ludicrous.
Many sense that the “end” is getting closer. Cataclysmic events may even occur. This year may be a challenging year financially and physically for many. We as a nation have snubbed our noses at God for a long time. Why would He not begin to exercise His promised events soon?
The last day’s events, however, will begin when God says it is time; and they will be according to the way His Word records them. God’s Word says the rapture of God’s people of this Earth will happen first, followed by the seven-year tribulation, judgments on the Earth’s inhabitants, and the 1,000 year reign of Christ. After they have occurred, in God’s order and timing, then the world will be “passed away” (Rev. 21:1).
If people would read and believe their Bibles more than what the television or some newspaper writer says, they would know that all the predictions could not have been even close. Read and believe God’s Word first; do not even consider those that set days on God’s plans.
Where in the bible is rapture mentioned? And what about the sentence of “ after the tribulation in Matthew 24 ? That states that He is coming AFTER THE TRIBULATION? And one more question. How many times do you believe that He will be coming?
Hundreds of biblical prophecies have been fulfilled. In this chapter, there is one mentioned that will be the next to be fulfilled. Billions, in the last two thousand years, have been waiting for this event (I Thessalonians 4:13-18) to occur. It is the great catching up of the dead in Christ and the living Christians (I Thessalonians 4:16- 17).
The Greek word for “caught up” (I Thessalonians 4:17) is “harpazō,” and it means “to catch away, to seize, pluck, pull, and take by force” (Noah Webster, 1828). It is very similar to the English word “rapture,” which means “transport, seizing away.” Although “rapture” is not used in the preserved King James text, this futuristic happening is often referred to by that name.
When the Lord shouts, the archangel’s voice is sounded, and God’s trumpet is blown, the rapture will occur (I Thessalonians 4:16). The first to ascend will be the dead in Christ. Those that have trusted Christ as Saviour and died will be called up. Their souls are already joined with him (II Cor. 5:8, Eccl. 12:7) as a soul never dies, but the body sleeps (I Thessalonians 4:14) awaiting its wake-up call by the heavenly summoning of the rapture.
The second group to meet the Lord in the air are those Christians who are alive. Before the tribulation’s terrible events occur, somewhere after Revelation 4:1, many Christians will be called up also — without dying. No one knows when this catching away will occur (Mat. 24:36). It could be today. It could be tomorrow or twenty years from now, but it will happen; God promised!
If the heavenly trumpet were blown to call the living saved from this world, are you absolutely, positively sure you would be called home to Heaven? What a terrible time it will be when a lot of well-intentioned, good-deeders and many religious-but-lost discover that they never were summoned by the heavenly call. It will be too late for those that have already heard God’s message and have rejected it. What a frightful time it will be when the prophesied wrath of God is finally poured out on this earth to give those that have never heard the Gospel message a chance to turn to Christ for salvation.
If you are not sure you will be going up during the catching away, make sure of your transport “ticket” today. Admit your sinnership, and trust Christ’s death on the cross as the only payment for your sins. If you do, then you may be one of many that will hear the heavenly trumpet sound its victory call to Christians one day soon.
Matt. 24 tells of what to look for near the end times and I feel we are seeing this now . So the signs are showing the end could be any time . Just look around see how things are flowing .
Amen! If the stoning of false prophets was still valid today, there would be a lot of dead people, including many of the so-called prosperity, name it claim it TV preachers!
That was the purpose of corporal punishment in most cases, to keep that sin from spreading. Other’s would think twice about a sin, if they saw others being stoned for it. That is one reason why crime and sin are spreading today, because there is not a high cost and deterrent for sin. “Big deal so I go to jail for five years because I murdered so and so …”, etc.
What I don’t understand is why some of these cults and false prophets/teachers still have followers? If they predict future dates of Christ’s return or the end of the world like the Jehovah’s Witnesses did 7 times (and who knows if that’s all the recorded predictions! There could be more that was never recorded!), and none of the dates were correct, then why follow a leader or an “organization” that’s clearly wrong?
I find it interesting that when these cults or leaders are wrong in there prophesies about the end times, they always come back with a lame excuse why it didn’t happen, set another date – AND PEOPLE BELIEVE THEM!
Sadly, most of the followers are brainwashed! Jesus made it clear when He stated, “Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there, believe it not. For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they should deceive the very elect.”
Another great devotion!
Why do they still have followers? Most likely because the followers are following a man and not the Spirit and Word of God! If they read, believed, and obeyed the Word of God first they would know better and discern something was fishy in prophecy land.
Hmmm. If those predictors claim to be prophets, shouldn’t they be stoned because they were wrong (according to O. T.)? If a prophet was wrong that means he was a false prophet, and I believe corporal punishment was in order. Just sayin’.
Bro Brinkworth,
When I read your title, I thought you were going to tell us something!
Very good devotion.
An elder Brother that I attend Church with tells me all the time he fears one thing….being deceived. I actually think he is wise to be on his guard and I think that a worthy focus for an elder’s prayer and devotion. Honestly, I am partially counting on him (iron sharpeneth iron) to be the canary in the mine.
However,…. problem is that many that use the name Christian don’t know what the Bible says and are too lazy and uninterested to look, therefore they are easily deceived by charlatans that claim to know what even Jesus does not…
I do know this:. The Bible makes several references to the signs. We are deep into the last chapters of this age. I imagine our Saviour sees the same things and is prepared to step out given the word from the Father.
I appreciate you Bro Brinkworth.
Your fourth paragraph down answers why so many fall for false predictions.