Windblown Christians

Windblown Christians

“That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive:” Ephesians 4:14

Sometimes children, because of their innocence and immaturity, follow the wrong person or group and find themselves doing the wrong thing. Many times they trustingly follow, and later pay the consequences for their mistake in following the wrong crowd.

Christians often make the same mistake. Because they are not grounded in the way the Lord wants them to go, they sometimes blow in the direction of anything that may look, sound, or seem religious. They have a desire to live for the Lord, but because they do not know exactly what that way is, they follow incorrectly.

This immaturity and innocence in the way of the Lord is mainly because of ignorance of His Word. To know His will, one must find it in the preserved pages of the Bible. The Bible is His recorded roadmap to get us through lives of detours and misleading roads. It will help us find the right way.

Because of not being grounded in the Word of God, many follow blindly in whichever direction seems right to them. For this reason, many cults grow larger in number, and many godless congregations grow in number.

Many years past, some well-meaning people followed a man in Guyana and his promises of a more peaceful life and a closer walk with God. The man’s name was Reverend Jim Jones. Although their desires were well-intended, the result, because they followed after a man’s way to please God rather than God’s way, was tragic. Many died as their leader’s demands led them to take their own lives. They followed blindly down the wrong alleyway. Their suicides would not have occurred, if they were obeying God’s Word.

People with a desire to change their lives are often easily led astray by the first smiling face that shows any concern or care for them. Sometimes that smile is a front for other motives. Sometimes, with promises of serving the Lord, the motives are to get them as a member of a cult or organization. Once into the organization’s grasp they go wherever the false doctrine blows them.

Others, desiring also to serve God, are snagged by the tricks and schemes of a cult’s leader. Just as a magician devises methods to make something impossible appear to happen before his audience’s eyes, so do some leaders to get the faithful support of their followers.

Fake faith-healers, in order to get support of followers, have appeared to heal a member of the audience. Many lost hope as it was later revealed that the one healed was planted there, and the healing was a staged act. There was not genuine healing, but the ungrounded audience fell for the deception. If the congregation knew and obeyed their Bible and knew that most of those type of “miracles” were for the early church before they had the written word of God, they would not even have been there.

Many are misled by clerical garb and what they think is Godly behavior. Just because the leader looks and acts spiritual, they believe what they see on the outside is a true reflection of what is on the inside. It is a shattered faith and hope they are left with when the one they were trusting in is embarrassed when his phoniness is revealed in a public scandal.

Keep your eyes on the Lord and not on man. Read, feed, and heed His Word and you will grow in the direction the Lord leads you. If you do, you will be led by the Lord, not blown by an ever-changing wind of false doctrine.

7 thoughts on “Windblown Christians

  1. Actually lack of spiritual growth and trust bleeds permanent spiritual damages difficult and costly to heal i terms of time

  2. It is so easy to get off track if you are not prayed up, read up, and churched up. There is so much out here to grab your attention and get you focused in the wrong direction.

    Bless you Bro Bill.

  3. Talking about “fake faith healers”, Benny Hinn is probably the biggest one! I watched a documentary on him one time, and come to find out, the people that actually get on stage for their so-called “miracle” are the ones that paid the most money!

    Secondly, all those that are mentally retarted, missing limbs or any body parts, or those with crippling diseases that are stricken to a wheel chair have to sit in the very back of the auditorium and are not allowed on stage – (of course their not cause Benny Hinn knows he can’t heal them)!

    None of his “miracles” have ever been verified by a doctor! He preys on the sick and desperate! Shame on him! By the way, Jesus NEVER asked for money (or plant a seed) in exchange for a healing or miracle! Jesus healed people because He had compassion on them and wanted to prove that He was the Messiah through signs and wonders!

    Truthfully, people need to stay clear of people like T.D Jakes, Joel Osteen, Joyce Myers, Kenneth Copeland, Crefflo Dollar, ect… (prosperity preachers, name it, claim it) and don’t buy their books either!

    1. Didn’t know Benny was still around. Yes, it is so sad how they deceive people, just to get a little more of their little green “god”. They really hurting the cause of Christ with their fakery.

    2. Bro Doug,
      Benny Hinn has probably done more damage than just about anyone I can think of to weak people who are suceptible or in need. Like any work of Satan, he takes an element of the truth and perverts it and the purpose is to feed his business.

      There is no such thing as a faith healer. Man does not have it in him to heal anyone. I know some men of God that have had several people healed during a time when they were ministering or subsequent to them praying and they all are very very careful to caution people that it has nothing to do with them, they have always pointed to the Lord. If anyone is a healer it is Jesus.

      1. … and Jesus still heals. He doesn’t need any person to do it in their name. We are to live by faith. We need to have faith that He can do anything, including healing.

  4. Bro Brinkworth,
    I believe you hit on the biggest reasons for deception… lack of knowledge of the Bible and a lack of a personal relationship with God borne out of prayer.

    I don’t see how anyone can be successful as a christian without regular (read daily) prayer and study of God’s word.

    You all have a blessed day

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