Month: July 2016

Daily Devotion in John 17

 Bill Brinkworth

Daily Nugget:While on this earth, Jesus did many things we as Christians are expected to do. He was our example….

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Daily Devotion in John 16

 Bill Brinkworth

Daily Nugget:It was very important after Jesus died that He would send (John 16:7) the omnipresent Comforter to do many…

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Daily Devotion in John 15

 Bill Brinkworth

Jesus likens our relationship to God and Him as to grape vines.  The vines are planted byand watered by the…

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Daily Devotion in John 14

 Bill Brinkworth

Daily Nugget:One of the most disputed and difficult teachings in the Bible is that Jesus taught that He and the…

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Daily Devotion in John 13

 Bill Brinkworth

Daily Nugget:“Now before the feast of the passover, when Jesus knew that his hour was come that he should depart…

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