After my daughter grew up and left the house, I felt the need to have someone, or something, fill some of that void. It was not long before I thought a dog would be a good companion.
As in all things, my wife and I prayed for the right pet. God always provided the perfect companion when we waited for His selection. The years have gone by; two of the dogs have died and been replaced by the current animal. The Labrador mix we currently have is Buddi, and she certainly lives up to her name. She is a good friend.

All the previous animals met our needs at the time. This one is no exception. Buddi is just what both my wife and I needed. Our Lord, as always, provided exactly what we required.
Buddi is close by my wife’s side, especially when illness binds her to the bed. When I am outside, my canine friend is near me, always watching what I am doing and where I am going. Her dedication and love are apparent.
At bedtime, she waits until we are all settled and comfortable and hops in with us. During the night, she cuddles at the bottom of Barb’s feet. Later, she nestles behind the back of my knee. She always wants to be close to us.
If only we would be as faithful and loyal to the Lord as Buddi is to us. Love is the binding emotion that makes her so loving and dedicated to us. The same sentiment should also be a driving and encouraging force that makes us faithful and loyal to our heavenly Father.
“And thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might.” Deuteronomy 6:5 Also: Matthew 22:37, Mark 12:30.
God provides every need we have, and many of our “wants.” He makes sure we are fed, safe from so many dangers that we do not even know our lurking nearby, and meets emotional and physical needs.
Not only does our heavenly Father sustain us daily, but He has allowed His only Son, Jesus, to pay for the penalty due to us because of our sins. By accepting Jesus’ loving sacrifice for our transgressions, we can have a wonderful, eternal future with our Lord. What a loving Father we have.
We have so much for which to be thankful. The least we can do is to be faithful, trusting, and obedient to our God. He loves us so much, no matter what we have done or who we are. We should not only adore Him for what He is doing and has done for us but because of who He is.
A loyal pet is not loving to his master just for the warm bed, treats, or playtime. It is the creature’s love for his family that makes him/her faithful and obedient. We need to have and show the same loyalty and devotion to our wonderful, heavenly Father.
Get close to God with consistent, daily conversations. You can cozy up to Him and share your burdens and your blessings. He will never laugh, mock, or be too busy to hear from you. He will always love you. Be faithful, loyal, obedient, and serve Him with all your heart.
“We love him, because he first loved us.” I John 4:19
“If God loved you as much as you love him, where would you be?” — Author Unknown