“But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.” I John 1:7
One word that is mentioned, or alluded to, over 378 times in the Bible is the word “blood”. Its usage indicates:
- it is essential for life (Lev. 17:11, 14),
- that man’s blood should not unnecessarily be shed (Ex. 20:13, Gen. 9:6),
- “innocent” blood should especially not be spilt, and those that do so will be accountable (Prov. 6:17, Lev. 20:27, II Sam. 4:11),
- that some in the Old Testament were given the responsibility to revenge the blood of those murdered (Num. 35:19, 21, Jos. 20:5),
- and another very important usage. That important usage of “blood” was its application toward man’s sins.
When Adam and Eve first sinned, innocent animals had to have their blood shed; so that the two original sinners would have their sins “covered.” God killed animals that had done nothing wrong, so that the first man and woman’s nakedness would be covered. Innocent blood was shed to cover their sins.
“Unto Adam also and to his wife did the LORD God make coats of skins, and clothed them.” Gen. 3:21
Shortly afterwards, frequent sacrifices to the Lord included other animals being killed, usually cattle and sheep for the “covering” of sin. When on the mountain receiving the Ten Commandments, Moses received God’s instructions on sacrificing the lives of animals to be incorporated in worshipping God (Ex. 29:12, 16). It was always innocent blood that was necessary to “cover” the iniquities of men. That was God’s plan after sin was first committed.
These “payments” for man’s sins, however, were not permanent. They had to be repeated over and over again. The blood of the sacrificed animal was not sufficient to cover any man’s sins indefinitely, and it was not long until man completely stopped offering the proper sacrifices God required.
Man’s treatment of sacrifices was no surprise to God. He knew from the beginning that there was no work man could ever do to pay for His sins:
“For it is not possible that the blood of bulls and of goats should take away sins.” Hebrews 10:4
God then allowed the one sacrifice that would redeem (Col 1:14) all man’s sins. This perfect, innocent sacrifice was not guilty of doing anything wrong. Like the earlier Old Testament sacrifice, this Sacrifice’s blood was also spilt. This offering, however, was not sacrificed by ordained men of God, as was done in the Old Testament, and the blood was not put on a stone altar. This blood offering dripped down the arms of a “Man” that was nailed to a cruel, Roman’s wooden cross over 2,000 years ago. The blood of this sacrifice was willingly offered by God’s only son, Jesus, and it was sufficient to be given only once. Jesus’ blood never had to be repeated as it covered all man’s sins. Jesus is the only worthy Lamb of God, whose blood can pay for all man’s sins.
One of the main purposes of the Bible is to show the importance of the Saviour’s blood. The Old Testament continually pointed to it. Then it was time for God to make a new covenant (testament) with man. Jesus became this new agreement God had made with man:
“And he [Jesus] said unto them, This is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many.” Mark 14:24 Also: Mt 26:28 & Luke 22:20.
Man’s sinful nature very clearly shows that he cannot stop sinning. He has continued to demonstrate this from his first appearance on this earth. Being “good” is not possible, because all people are sinners (Rom. 3:23, 5:12); and any good behavior or good deed he does will not eliminate his past sins. This also includes “religious” activities, good intentions, and anything else man may think will pay for his sins which are against God Himself. God has made it very clear that there is nothing man can do to pay for his sins. That is why He had to give the only sacrifice that was sufficient — His Son’s own blood.
Has there ever been a time in your life that you have admitted your sinnership to the Father, believed that Jesus’ sacrifice was payment for all your sins, and asked Jesus to be your Saviour? If not, please do so today!
“That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.” Romans 10:9
“One might better try to sail the Atlantic in a paper boat, than try to get to heaven on good works.”
— C. H. Spurgeon
So because Adam and Eve disobeyed blood was shed and kept being shed until Jesus shed His for us . As for sinning do away with the devil and maybe people wont have sin in the heart as we all are sinners .
Original sin had something to do with Satan’s temptation. Our sin has nothing to do with him. It is now in our nature to sin – even if we are saved. We must daily fight to keep from temptation and sin — until the day we go home.
I should have said, “Sometimes Satan may be involved in our sinning, but most of the time it is our fault.” Most of us are not worth Satan’s time.
This devotion reminds me of one of my favorite old hymns is “There is a Fountain”
Thank you Jesus for shedding your blood on Calvary for me!
“The Blood” is what separates “Religion” from Christianity! No other so-called “god” (Buddha, Confucius, Allah, Baal, ect…) shed their blood for mankind!